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My thesis project concentrates on the psychology of how people dress, specifically focusing on color choices.

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Thesis Statement

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Many factors play a part when one chooses what to wear each morning. The color of clothing is often a subconscious choice, and one doesn’t tend to think deeply about this decision.

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The color choice is often secondary to practical considerations. One considers, for example: comfort, cleanliness of clothing, weather, and anticipated activity for the day.

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Color choices are pre-determined by the availability of clothing in the closet and how the clothing was originally acquired. We get into habits based on our socio-economic groups and day-to-day experiences in work and social encounters.

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Our color choices date back to the origins of symbolism in cultural practices and ceremonies, and this gives an insight into how our motives have evolved into today. There are huge variations just

within New York, State due to our diversity in cultural heritages

and local climates.

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My senior thesis focuses on the psychology behind the colors

students at SUNY New Paltz choose to wear everyday. I conducted

my own experiment pertaining to color preferences by having 15

SUNY New Paltz students keep a diary for a given week about how

they go about choosing clothing.

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This book aims to open people’s minds to why they are choosing the colors they wear and where the choice originates from.

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Scroll down to see spreads from my book!

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The Book

Illustrations, design, writing and development by Livi Carlen. SUNY New Paltz BFA Graphic Design Thesis  © 2019.

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